Featuring Canada's Polka King, Walter Ostanek and The Western Senators. With special guest Jordan Rody
Two hours of commercial free music, recorded live at Casino Regina...
Show 1:
Polka Poppers Polka, Ann's Waltz, Mistre Polka, In the Valley Waltz, Invitation to the Blues, Kiss Me Tonight Waltz*, Whoop Polka
Show 2:
Across the Plains Polka, Daj Daj Waltz, Rolling Rock Polka, Valley Spring Polka, Chicagoland Twirl Polka*, That's The Way Love Goes, Regina The Polka Town
Show 3:
Pop 'N John's Polka, Canin's Waltz, Ponytail Polka, Old Fashioned Polka, One Woman Man, Folsom Prison Blues, Red Raven Polka*
Show 4:
A Cleveland Polka, My Darling Ann Waltz, Gornik's Polka, Mountaineer's Polka, Window Up Above, Boogie for Elvis, Bye Bye My Baby Polka*